November 16, 2009

O' fun for...almost posting

Okay, I have about three minutes to post something before I have to head off to pick Brady up from pre-school. Five if I go in my flamingo pajamas instead of actual clothes... And now four for telling you that...

I had a baby, she is the cutest ever, I made a bunch of stuff after things got back to semi-normal-ness, and by the end of the day will post pictures of at least one thing I have made lately. By saying that here I have now committed to it.

Aaaand now I am out of time. But I'll be back...


theferrisoneofall said...

Yay!!!! Dana's back! ;)

theferrisoneofall said...

Oops! Did I out you in the WPP?

Erin said...

Yay! I can't wait to see all your fun crafty stuff. I miss you!

Corinner-Elly said...

Please tell me you went in your flamingo pajamas!!! :D